(c) by horiworld.com - Andreas Horlacher - Switzerland de-de en-us

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Welcome to a department's public page!

This page contains Orx and EasyView apps, made for Liferay Portal 7.1.


ORX draws the entire organization structure (organization chart). Current organization unit (e.g. department) will be highlighted. 

  • Click on any node to refresh EasyView data (department's members).
  • Doubleclick on any node to load corresponding (department's) profile page.
  • Hover a node shows city (or comments following setup) and highlight direct connections.
  • Use mouse wheel to zoom, drag chart the way you want.

More information about ORX here.

ORX will be available soon on Liferay Marketplace. Price? CHEAP - almost nothing!


EasyView (in that configuration) lists all members of the current organization unit (deparment). Data will be remotely controlled if Orx has been actived in the app configuration (which is!).

  • Click on User (member) profile image to open user's profile page.
  • Click on other interactive columns (e.g. mail address) to trigger an action.
  • Search, sort, filter, export also available





Platform 71 true

Organization Members


Datasource: User

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