Contacts - Overview
Seeing somebody's connections is a common task. This report extremely satisfies our curiosity by displaying everybody's connections at the same time.
Filter connections of a certain user, by clicking a row on EasyView instance used for user selection (on the left side).
- Linked EasyView instances: Users are linked with Contacts (Connections). Click on a user to see his personal connections.
- I need to identify somebody's 2nd degree contacts. Is there a shared connection? Do we have a friend in common?
- Find out who is connected to whom
- Find out shared connections
- Find the path to a 2nd degree connections
- EasyView instance for user selection
- Add EasyView to the page
- Select widget configuration
- Choose USER as datasource (default)
- Add USER_ID to the definition (needed to link the instance with contacts)
- Select other columns from the list and add them to the definition
- Save
- EasyView instance with contacts
- Add EasyView to the page
- Select widget configuration
- Choose CONNECTIONS as datasource
- Add USER_ID to the definition (needed to link the instance with contacts)
- Select other columns from the list and add them to the definition
- Set report title and subtitle (makes linking easier)
- Save
- Link
- Configure EasyView instance for USER SELECTION (the first we've added)
- In Link EasyView
- Opt-in Enable Action
- Select the CONNECTION instance from list (report title appears suffix)
- Click Apply button
- That's it!
- In Link EasyView
- Save
- Configure EasyView instance for USER SELECTION (the first we've added)
- Go - Click on a user in 1st instance to show his connections in the 2nd instance. If not clicked, everything (all user's connections to everybody) will appear.
- Search
- Type-in search expression, EasyView searches while your typing and reduces data according to current expression.
- Sort
- Click on up/down arrow on column headers.
- Multi-Sort: Shift-Click on further column headers.
- Filter
- [Last Row] Select an item from list, where provided.
- Move columns (non-persistent)
- Drag Column Header to desired position.
- Interaction
- Click Image to open profile page (user, organization or site)
- Click Mail, Skype or Phone entry to establish action.
- Export/Copy to clipboard
- Click corresponding buttons in report header
Platform 71 true
User Selection
Click on a row
Datasource: User
Platform 71 true
All Contacts
Datasource: Connection